Extended Primitives Plugin for MilkShape 3D by Rick J. Kelley AKA Rat ---------------------------------------------- Description: This plugin is to extend the list of primitive available for Milkshape 3D. With it, you can create more complex shapes by using one or more of the available primitives included in this plugin. Installation: Extract the contents of this zip file to your MilkShape 3D directory. Instructions: To create a extended primitive that is availble from the list, click on one of Catagory buttons, (The grey buttons with a + sign), then click on a Primitive for a selection. Finally, click the OK button at the bottom of the dialog. If you click the OK button without selecting a primitive radio button, you get an error dialog stating "No Selection made! Try again" to prompt you make a selection the next time you invoke the plugin. The plugin will remember the last selction you made when you have created a Primitive, so it all you will have to do if you want the same type, is to click OK. Important Notes: This plugin is far from done, as I expect to add other primitives and perhaps some human model primitives as time goes on. I expect to get preview window working soon. Contact Information: If you have any comments, suggestions, or bug reports of this plugin, please contact me at: rat@drawcad.com Credits: Extended Primitives Plugin for Milkshape 3D was created by Rick J. Kelley. Normals routine debugging by Andrew Welch AKA Mr. Scary. Build History: Version 1.0 - 7/12/03 ------------------------ Initial Beta Release! Version 1.1.0 - 7/16/03 ------------------------ Finnaly got the Normals problem fixed with some help and suggestions from Mr. Scary. Thanks! :D Version 2.0.0 - 7/22/03 ------------------------ Plugin gets a facelift. Added 3D Outline Catagory buttons with Primitive Objects list that looks cool :D Version 2.1.0 - 7/27/03 ------------------------ Fixed the preview window. Version 2.1.1 - 7/28/03 ------------------------ Made some minor changes to the image handeling. Version 2.1.2 - 7/29/03 ------------------------ Got the select/unselect feature working. (Thanks to Mr. Scary pointing out what to look for to get it working, and mijacs on how to unselect it, and of course SupraSpeed for being a pest about wanting his Primitives to be already selected!) Version 2.1.3 - 8/02/03 ------------------------ Added more primitives of the mechanical nature, and a compass just for fun. Version 2.1.4 - 8/04/03 ------------------------ Added multiple naming of same type of object with ending 01 to how many other of same type you create with the Extended Primitives plugin. This will correctly number the objects as long as Milkshape has been open and the plugin is in use for a session. (It will start back to 01 if you close Milkshape and restart the Milkshape program).